

We maintain clean and cool spaces that are conducive to learning.

Control Desk

Users can borrow extension cords here. This is also where they get their electricity number if they want to charge their devices. 

OPAC Terminals

This is where users can browse the UPD libraries’ collections through a platform called Tuklas. 

Circulation Section

Users can request to check out general circulation and/or reserve books for home use/photoduplication purposes here.

Reference Section

This is where users can seek assistance regarding any library concern.

LO and Staff Workrooms

Library rooms dedicated for acquisition, administrative, cataloging, reference, and IT tasks. 

Data Terminals

Users can access the Library’s dataset subscriptions here. 

Main Reading Area

The Main Reading Area can accommodate up to 150 users at a time. 

Mini-Exhibit Area

Here, users can check out the library resources and activities prepared in line with the monthly event being celebrated. 

General Circulation Area

An open-shelf area where users can get the book/s they want to read within library premises, without the need to request from Library staff.