The UPSE Library is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Monday to Friday). 

Thesis &


Binding Guide

1. Ensure your thesis/dissertation are final and approved by your adviser.

2. Send an e-copy, preferably in DOCX and PDF, to If possible, also
send your used datasets such as CSV and/or Stata files.

3. Print your thesis/dissertation based on the Thesis Manual. One (1) library copy for BS.
Two (2) library copies for MA, MDE, and PhD. You can also print multiple personal
copies for binding but with additional cost.

Note: MA, MDE, and PhD students should have an Approval Sheet included in their
printed copies.

4. Using your UP Mail, send to the following:

● Subject: Thesis Binding (For BS, MA, & MDE)
● Subject: Dissertation Binding (For PhD)
● Full name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial)
● Student no. (i.e., 2023-12345)
● No. of copies to be bound (i.e., 1 library copy (BS) / 2 library copies (MA,
MDE, and PhD), 2 personal copies)
● Date and time you intend to submit the print copies to the library (M-F, 9 AM-3
PM only)

Note: Students may bring their copies to the library or send them via preferred courier. Students shall shoulder applicable fees. The library’s address is:

The Head Librarian
UP School of Economics Library

168 Osmeña Avenue, University of the Philippines Diliman

Quezon City 1101

● GCash receipt. Pay Ejess Trading (binding shop) PHP 250 per bound copy

through their GCash account:

5. Once we have the printed copies and G-Cash receipt, the binding process will proceed.

NOTE: The binding process takes 2-3 working days.

Elsa Sison

6. An email will be sent by when your thesis/dissertation personal
copies are ready for pick-up. The library copy will be forwarded by the library to the College Secretary’s Office (BS) or Graduate Office (MA, MDE, and PhD) for verification.

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